
Showing posts from September, 2022

Seven Year Test

 I read an article the other day about friendship. The article made me dig deep into my personal life. A lot can change in seven years, especially in the ALS world. It takes seven years to restore bad credit. Seven years to finally digest that piece of Double Bubble you swallowed and seven years to grow a new set of skin cells. (OK; thanks, Google, for this last one, because I had no idea that was even a thing). But would you believe me if I told you that every seven years, we go through a  profound change? Not only are you likely in a very different place in your life, but a study shows there is a good chance you have replaced half of your closest friends with new ones. Whoa, every seven years, you replace half of your BFFs!?!? No way this information can be correct, right?  After learning about this mythical seventh-year reaper of friendship, I analyzed my friends. Assuming my math is correct, I have cycled friends five times during my thirty-five years of life. That me...

Seths ROTTEN Tomatoes

  My days with ALS can be mundane. The days can become a gauntlet of boredom as I don’t have the luxury to escape my daily routine. My days consist of waking up between 5-6 am. I stay in bed until 10-11 am. I stay in bed in the morning because I get restless in my wheelchair after 8 hours. Getting out of bed later allows me to see my family for a couple of hours after work and school. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I have Physical Therapy between 9-10 am while in bed. Monday, Wednesday,y and Friday are shower days at 11 am. I usually spend the afternoons in my wheelchair in my living room the rest of the day. I get uncomfortable and lay down at 7 pm. I go to sleep at 10 pm. In my experience with ALS, I’ve found that a strict schedule helps me maintain my symptoms. Additionally, I’m obsessive-compulsive and a creature of habit. My routine leaves long periods for me to entertain myself. I spend that time on the internet and watching tons of TV. I sprinkle in advocating for ALS, social m...

Friday Night Lights Motivator to Anxiety Riddelled PLWALS

Thank you, everyone, for their love and support since my recognition last Friday. I was truly honored to be back at BUHS. I saw a team of young boys look adversity in the eye and come out as a group of men. Good luck, Bucs. Beat PB. On a personal level, last week's festivities, and the weeks prior, came at a cost. Unfortunately, this is NOT easy to share, but this is what living with #ALS entails. I had a painful #trach change the day before the game. The surgeon had to try three times to get my trach in place. Due to granulations, the surgeon had to use all of her weight to get it placed. (Subconsciously I was saying every expletive known to mankind) I accidentally peed in my chair later that evening. Friday morning, Gameday, I had another accident, and I could not get up quickly enough to the bathroom. Feeling discouraged, I gathered myself just in time to leave for the game. The game was superb. I loved every minute of the night. Saturday morning, the Polings, headed to Mt. Sto...