My ALS Truth - Inspirational or Dillusional

I’m often told that I am inspirational. A living ray of hope in a world full of hate and misery. I am honored to be thought of with such high regard. It’s flattering, but I’m afraid this idyllic portrayal is unjustified. I might appear to be full of hope and positivity. Unfortunately, if you peer behind my mask, you won’t find armor. Instead, you will find a hurt, scared little boy. Before you jump to your keyboard to leave a comment of encouragement, let me explain. I am merely a man, I worry about my future and my family's well-being. I have so much animosity towards everything. I tend to act irrationally and lash out at those closest to me. It’s uncalled for, but my blood boils in the heat of the moment. The only way that I can explain what goes through my mind is an overload of thoughts. I don’t want to act in such a manner, but trying to type with my eyes can be frustrating even in the most ideal conditions. Add stress, anxiety, pain, misery, and tears in your eyes; suddenly ...